



Facts and Figures

The Management Angels are the only interim management provider in Germany with a sector focus. We primarily place highly qualified interim executives in the Telecommunications, IT, Media and Electronics industries. With a pool of 1.500 managers, the Hamburg-based company belongs to the market leaders in Germany.


Management Angels GmbH


An der Alster 82


20099 Hamburg - Germany


+49 (40) 44 19 55 – 0


+49 (40) 44 19 55 – 55


+49 (40) 44 19 55 – 55


1st July 2000

Managing Director

Thorsten Becker





Management Angels GmbH

Specialised in providing interim Managers on a short notice.

Interim Management

A flexible, entrepreneurial, project-orientated type of working. An innovative management tool for companies.

Key figures

The Management Angels work at 80% for companies in the TIMES-markets. They are the only provider with an industry focus.

Pool of 1.500 interim managers from all over Germany. Out of those, 600 are personally known from former projects and numerous meetings.

20% of the clients are located in other European countries.

The Management Angels are one of the market leaders in Germany.

In 2007 almost 100 interim managers were assigned.

The Management Angels are founding member of the German Interim Management Association AIMP.

The way we work

Presentation of appropriate candidates not later than 48 hours after the first contact or inquiry

Regular events and trainings for managers all over Germany

Quality instead of quantity. Qualified interim managers have to be "collected", not "hunted"

Background of our managers

Board of directors, key account management, sales, finance, controlling, general management, turn-around management, IT management, human resources management. etc..

Profile of our managers

With an average age of 45 years, the Interim Managers are about 15 years younger than the industry average. They have experience from various fields and sectors.

Management Angels are the only provider with 100 "Young Talents" in its pool. Those are betweend 26 and 35 years old and are specialized particularly in interactive media, IT and services.

Some more figures

The market for Interim Management is growing by 30% per year in Germany

In Great Britain already 20% of all managers are assigned temporarily

In 2020 60% of all work contracts in Germany will be flexible


1&1 AG, Arvato Direct Services, Autoliv, Bain Capital, Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH, Bertelsmann, CAP Customer Advantage Program GmbH, Coloplast, Cooper Tools, debitel, Detecon International, Deutsche Telekom AG/T-Com/T-Mobile/T-Online, Deutsche Vergabenetz, digame.de, eBay, EDAG Engineering + Design AG, ePages Software, Fortis Bank, Group 4 Securicor, Heraeus, Jet Aviation, Lycos Europe, Nestlé Deutschland, OnVista Media, OPEN Business Club, Oracle, PeopleSoft, reinisch, SAP AG, Schefenacker, Seekport Internet Technologies, Toll Collect, DocMorris, Videojet Technologies, VoiceObjects, WEB.DE AG


and more...

Advisory Board

Alexander Prinz zu Schleswig-Holstein


Prof. Dr. Ing. Jacques J. A. M. Reijniers

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